
Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Let's Be Honest

If you know me, you know that I'm an honest person. Heck, if you've read any of my previous posts you can tell that I'm an honest person. I just lay it all out there. To me, there are times when honesty is the best gift you can give to someone. I'm honest because I don't want people to have questions. Plus, you know what? Sometimes we feel like we're the only one in the world having the thoughts or feelings that we have and hate having them, until someone opens up and we see that we're not alone.

So many people who are scared to be honest. You know why? Because being honest takes vulnerability. It takes a person deciding that they are going to risk their pride so that others can know that it's okay to not have it all together! Hold up, can I just ride that train for a minute? Some of us walk around like we have got our act together. We've got these great friends, we have a Pinterest-perfect wardrobe and our lives are pretty much perfect. Except for that in our hearts we just have this struggle because all of our friends are coupling off and getting engaged and married and we're still single and we think that maybe, just maybe it's because there's something wrong with us. Or we're dealing with these feelings of inadequacy and feel that we're not good enough. But we put on this facade and we're not willing to admit that our lives aren't perfect and that we do indeed struggle. You could save someone a great deal of pain just by sharing your struggles. I'm not saying to go around and share your deepest secrets with just anyone, no no. I'm saying to be willing to share your heart when God presents you with the opportunity.

It's been over a year since my dad died and I don't have as many days where I can't keep the tears from coming and sadness overtakes me. But there was just this one day where I heard a message in chapel and the speaker shared that my home state has the highest rate of pastoral suicide with 8 pastors in the past year taking their own lives. My dad was the 8th. I couldn't keep from crying but dangit I had to pull it together because I had to go to class! I went to class and I thought I would be okay. My professor was sitting right in front of me and asked for prayer requests. I think she could already tell I was about to lose it, so I shared. I wasn't about to cry and have everyone wondering why! I tried to speak through my tears, and I managed to tell my 12 other precious classmates that most days I can be strong, but today was not the day. God was still glorified in my tears and sadness. Later one of my lovely classmates told me something that I hold in my heart. She said "the more we are vulnerable the more we begin to realize how in need of Christ's strength and His identity we are...that's when we begin to truly become like Christ." So that's the big picture! Being honest and vulnerable glorifies God. His power is made perfect in your weakness!